Coconut Oil For Yeast Infections - Why Coconut Oil Is Effective and How to Use It

Did you know that you can use coconut oil for yeast infection? No? Then read on to find out why coconut oil can help your infection and how to use it to best effect...
Candida albicans is a yeast-like fungus that naturally resides in everybody. It is relatively harmless because your body's good bacteria keeps it under control. However, if the conditions are right, it can overgrow into an infection.
One of the major causes of yeast overgrowth is taking a lot of antibiotics. The reason is quite simple: antibiotics kill the good bacteria as well as the bad.
In much the same way, people with a lowered immune system are at a much higher risk of an infection because their auto immune system cannot fight the bad bacteria.
Candida can appear as an infection in almost any part of the body, e.g. the gut, sexual organs, mouth, skin, toenails, anus, and so on.
So what can you do to cut down the risk of getting a serious yeast infection and how do you get rid of it when you have one?
Well scientists have discovered that using coconut oil for yeast infections could be a natural way to go...
Why Coconut Oil is Good for Yeast Infections
Coconut oil contains a saturated fatty acid called 'caprylic acid' which is a natural anti-fungal agent, ideal for fighting the Candida fungi. And, caprylic acid is not water-soluble, so it is better able to penetrate the mucosal membranes in which the yeast fungi are deeply imbedded.
In addition, coconut oil also includes another saturated fatty acid called 'lauric acid' (also found in mothers' milk) which is known to be able to improve your immune system. A healthy immune system is absolutely vital to fight infection.
Finally, the oil can be a substitute for sugar. Why is this a good thing? Well, the yeast fungi need sugar to help them survive and grow. By reducing your sugar intake you are denying them that food source.
However, you should ensure that you purchase a very high quality, extra virgin coconut oil for your yeast infection: you don't want the fatty acids to degrade, which can happen with cheaper ones.
How to Take Coconut Oil for Your Yeast Infection
There are two ways to use coconut oil for yeast infections: You can consume the oil to help fight the yeast in your gut and apply it topically to the external area showing the symptoms.
For consumption, try taking one tablespoon a day for a week or two until the symptoms go away. Alternatively, you can add it to smoothies, use it instead of butter, or stir it into your tea or coffee. And, of course, you can cook with it.
Topically, just apply it over the affected area. Do this daily until the symptoms disappear. For vaginal candida, you can apply the oil to a tampon and leave in overnight. Once again, repeat daily until the symptoms abate.
As long as you get your coconut oil for your yeast infection each day then you are treating yourself effectively. This is a truly natural way to treat this condition and you can purchase it in any health store or any good supermarket.
Coconut oil for yeast infections will be even more effective with a more holistic approach to the overall problem, including important factors such as dietary and lifestyle adjustments.
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