It is important that you know how to get rid of yeast infections at home so that you will be able to get rid of it without having to go to a doctor. Vaginal yeast infection is a disease caused by the overgrowth of a type of fungus known as Candida albicans. If you are experiencing symptoms such as redness, itching, intense burning, irritation, and cheesy white discharge on your vaginal area, then you may have a yeast infection. Read these home cures for yeast infections so that you can prevent the symptoms from getting worse.
You can treat a yeast infection using yogurt. Your healthy yogurt snack contains helpful bacteria such as bifidus and acidophilus that destroy the candida fungus. Use your finger to apply the yogurt topically on your vagina. Make sure that you use plain yogurt that contains active cultures. Read the label on the yogurt before buying it to ensure that it contains active cultures that can help kill the candida fungus.
Vinegar can also be used to treat this disease. Mix one to three tablespoons of vinegar with a quart of water. Douche with this solution at least once a day to relieve the symptoms of the disease. Discontinue this treatment if the infection does not go away after one week.
Garlic has a natural anti-fungal agent that can help fight the candida fungus and prevent the symptoms from getting worse. Use a clove of garlic as a suppository to treat yeast infections at home. Peel a clove of garlic and wrap it in gauze. Insert the wrapped clove into your vagina to treat your infection.
Herbal Douche
An herbal douche is also an effective home remedy for yeast. Combine equal amounts of comfrey, raspberry, and sage with about 1/4 part goldenseal. You can also use cider vinegar if you do not have any goldenseal at home. Mix the solution well and then douche with it once a day.
If the natural home remedies above did not work, you can try over-the-counter remedies for treating fungal infections instead. Over-the-counter remedies are more expensive than the home remedies listed above, but they are generally more effective and help you get rid of the candida fungus faster. You can buy over-the-counter antifungal remedies at almost any drug store.
If you plan to use antifungal medications or other over-the-counter remedies, it is best that you consult your doctor first. Your doctor can recommend the best over-the-counter medications for your condition so that you will be able to get the most effective medication for your infection. A serious yeast infection may require prescription-only medications. If you think your disease is serious, visit your doctor as soon as possible and ask him about prescription-only medications for your disease.
Would you like to find out how to get rid of a yeast infection at home? At you will find many proven remedies to cure yeast infections forever at home.
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