The Master Cleanse lemonade diet grabbed the attention of the world when celebrities like Beyonce effectively used the diet to trim their figures. Did you know the cleansing diet is actually a detoxifying diet and not a weight loss diet? Ah, never mind! It cuts both ways, anyway. Stanley Burroughs, the creator of the Master Cleanse diet, was an alternative health promoter who created the diet as a cure for stomach ulcers. He then started promoting it as a body cleansing diet to help rid the body of toxins which expose the body to various ailments and diseases. In recent times, the diet is used as a weight loss diet with an added benefit of detoxifying the body. Talk of reversing the roles as a marketing strategy!
What are the ingredients of the Master Cleanse Lemonade diet?
The Master Cleanse diet is a concoction of water, lemon juice, pure maple syrup and cayenne pepper. The diet requires six servings a day. This diet program requires fasting for about two weeks on this concoction and the herbal tea which is only taken at night to help with removal of the toxins from the body.
Maple syrup acts as an antioxidant; it has manganese, an essential mineral used to produce energy and antioxidant defenses to protect body cells against damage. The zinc property found in it helps boost the immune system, generally.
Lemons provide citric juice which is stimulates detoxification of blood. It also lowers risk of infections, boosts urinary health and a healthy skin, prevents diabetes, and minimizes chances of high blood pressure, dental problems, heart disease and even cancer.
Cayenne pepper acts as an anti-fungal and anti-bacterial agent. It suppresses appetite during the fast, fights infections like flu, and stimulates circulation. It stimulates production of saliva which is used to metabolize food and toxins.
Introduce solid foods gradually, but stick to healthy options.
This Master Cleanse Lemonade diet should be adopted and incorporated into your diet. It should be continuous otherwise you will gain weight again. Although it was not meant to be a weight loss diet, it can still be used to effectively shed weight. However, you should change your lifestyle. Stop intake of alcohol, smoking, coffee, and sugar. Reduce intake of meat, you should substitute this with vegetables, fruits, natural oils from avocado, olives, and hemp. Use herbal drinks which stimulate production of energy like chamomile tea. Before you undertake this program, ensure that you have a properly planned schedule which should be followed religiously. Vary your foods to avoid monotony, and space your meals throughout the day. Remember to keep your body hydrated all the time.
The Master Cleanse lemonade drink should be taken fresh. Do not heat it with a microwave as this kills all the nutrients rendering it useless. With each successful day, the psychological need to eat is slowly subdued building confidence and a sense of control that motivates the person undergoing the diet. Consult a doctor before you start on the program.
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